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Monty is a very intelligent little boy quick to learn and eager. – 17.04.204

Hi David and Andrea

It has been four weeks since we collected “Fletcher” and wow how quickly the time has passed. Fletcher is now known as Monty, he responds really well when we call him by his name.
We travelled home on the 17th March with this little red bundle not sure how he was going to settle in. But he surprised us, travelled well, was curious and a little unsure. He was given lots of love and reassurance by us all and travelled well. We followed your guidance, and within two days he was using the garden for the toilet. His crate training is also going well. Monty is a very intelligent little boy quick to learn and eager to learn and play. Monty also loves giving lots of kisses always happy to see you. He follows instructions, sit and wait, and the instruction “back” to retrieve a tennis ball. Also walks to heel well. He is growing fast and has adapted well to each of us. We all love him lots and looking forward to his first trip outside this week.

Thank you for all your help. He is a credit to you both.

Many thanks
Marian and Simon Hughes