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Having Palmer has brought so much to our lives. — 03.05.2024

Well here we are – Palmer is 2 today – where has that time gone?  He is doing incredibly well.  What a happy dog.  He has loads of friends out on walks as he is so friendly that they all love him.  He mostly loves the other labs and to be honest doesn’t have much time for the smaller dogs!  He likes to run fast! The car journeys are going really well.  He chose to get in the car yesterday whilst Jim was mowing the lawn and just stayed in their relaxed – such a difference to a few months ago when he didn’t want to go in.  Thank you for your advice to feed him in there.  We do this for at least one meal most days and it has worked wonders.

He has become very close to Jim which is lovely.  Jim has met friends round the village whilst walking with him which has been great for getting the 2 new knees working along with enjoying the social aspect.

Having Palmer has brought so much to our lives.  He is such a lovely dog we still can’t believe that your let him come home with us.

A few pictures of him enjoying life (and meeting the felted version of himself!)

Thank you

Ali and Jim and Palmer xx